How can you get your needs met on every level of your being in 2025?
As we count down the 12 days of Yule or Christmas, I’m guiding you through your 10 Levels of Soul Nourishment:
December 20: the VOID,
December 21: your Core Star.
December 22: your Hara.
December 23: KETHERIC BODY.
December 26: ASTRAL BODY
December 27: MENTAL BODY
Today's level of soul nourishment is your MENTAL BODY. It is the 3rd level of your auric field.
What is your MENTAL BODY?
This level of your energy field holds your mental and rational and intuitive world.
It looks like a delicate veil of light lemon yellow lines that pulsate at a high rate.
Brightness, fullness, and energy flow correspond to mental processes and states of mind.
This level should balance between rational thoughts and your intuition, which is another way of ‘knowing’ things that is not mental.
Your needs on this level:
You need to understand situations in a clear, linear and rational way. There’s a reason we all ‘google it’ so much!
You need rational clarity that functions in harmony with your intuitive mind.
You need positive thoughts flowing through this level of your consciousness so you feel hopeful, ‘bright’ and optimistic.
the 8th Night of Yuletide: the feast of Skadi and Ullr.
December 27th.
Skadi (feminine) and Ullr (masculine) are winter deities in the Norse pantheon. Today, you could honor the gods of winter (if you live in the Northern Hemisphere as I do), looking for their blessings during this season.
In the West, we are a very mental culture. We live in the information age and we spend a lot of time on our computers. We tend to overuse our Mental Body at the expense of the other levels of soul nourishment.
So get outside today and enjoy the snow! Skadi and Ullr are said to have given the Norse people skis and snowshoes.
Come out of your head, and into your body. Make a snow angel! Throw snowballs with your kids. Build a snowfort. Go for a ski or snowshoe.
I am blessed to live in Gatineau Park in Quebec, just North of Ottawa. We have 90km of groomed x-country ski trails!
This Winter I am setting an intention to get out and ski a lot to truly appreciate the blessing of where I live.
I hope Skadi and Ullr send lots of snow! Actually, in the region where I live, I am in Algonquin lands, so I might make an offering of gratitude to Bi-bon (pih-boon or pih-bone), the spirit of the North Wind, who brings winter to the land.
How is connecting with your MENTAL BODY helpful?
When you have a healthy and balanced flow of energy in your Mental Body, your rational and intuitive mind work together. This brings clarity and a sense of appropriateness.
You will have a strong, clear mind, active mental life and be interested in learning.
I find that when my mind and Mental Body are going into overwhelm or overstimulation, going out for a walk helps to clear my mind again. By doing this, I am moving the energy charge, or consciousness, down into the lower level of my field which connects to my physical body. This is balancing and grounding.
If this level of your field is weak, you may lack mental agility. You are not interested in academics or intellectual pursuits.
When this level becomes distorted, negative thoughts are hard to change because they appear logical to the thinker.
How can you connect with your MENTAL BODY?
Most of us already spend too much time on this level, thinking.
But how often do you examine those thoughts, or quiet them down to see what is underneath?
This is the function of meditation. It helps you to clear your mind and receive more of the intuitive guidance that is also an aspect of your Mental Body.
There are LOTS of ways to meditate. It does not have to look like sitting in lotus on a cushion trying not to think!
My favourite way is to sit for 20 minutes, or longer if I am really stressed and overstimulated, and focus on sensations in my body.
I just track different sensations I am aware of with curiosity, and observe how they change as my nervous system and energy field calm down.
In Barbara Brennan’s book Light Emerging, chapter 12 guides you through your mental body. She shares her way of negotiating with the ‘little drunken monkey’ of the mind and our rationalizations.
In the Soul Nourished Woman journey in 2025, I am taking 10-12 women on a journey to absorb the contents of this book and embody it so you can apply it to your own well-being and soul unfoldment.
We will meet for an in-person retreat day, the 4th Sunday of each month to immerse in the 10 Levels of Soul Nourishment: one level each month.
We go into MENTAL BODY in July 2025.
The INTRO WEEKEND for all (women) to attend and taste the journey is Saturday night January 25 & Sunday, January 26th. Save the date! Enrollment for the intro weekend will open soon!