How can you get your needs met on every level of your being in 2025?
You have different needs on each of the 10 energy dimensions which make up your energy bodies and your true nature.
As we count down the 12 days of Yule or Christmas, I’m guiding you through each level of soul nourishment:
December 20: the VOID,
December 21: your Core Star.
December 22: your Hara.
December 23: KETHERIC BODY.
December 24: CELESTIAL BODY.
Today's level of soul nourishment is your ETHERIC TEMPLATE. It holds your alignment (or mis-alignment) with Divine Will and the perfect pattern for your body and physical health.
It is the level of Divine Will.
It is a blueprint of the 1st level of your Aura (coming December 30). Your Etheric Template guides the structured lines in the 1st level, just like it is meant to guide your actions in this life.
This level holds the blueprint or guidelines into which form arises. What form? The form of your body!
What is divine will? It is divine intent manifested into pattern and form.
Divine will exists within yourself and all around. You have free will to align with it or not.
This is a very funky level of your energy field, which may not make sense to most Westerners. We are taught to be strongly individualistic. Surrender to divine will, or even asking a higher power to guide us gets our hackles up or just doesn’t make sense!
If you struggle to find your sense of purpose or direction, this is the level you need nourishment on.
Your needs on this level:
You need to align with the divine will within you, to make the commitment to speak and follow the truth.
You need guidance so that you can align your life and actions with the greater plan of your life and how your plan fits with the grand evolutionary plan here on earth at this time.
Yes, believe it or not, there is a plan! Right now on earth, we seem to have a lot of people and leaders imposing their own personal will, rather than consulting with true divine will.
the 6th Night of Yuletide: Seek Divine Will
December 25th.
In Norway, the yule or jul holiday included rituals like juleblot.
Juleblot was between the Winter solstice and the middle of January. The purpose of the midwinter feast was to overcome the cold and darkness.
The blót was a ritual performed at least 3 times a year. The basic meaning of the word blót is ‘to strengthen’. In the Viking period the main meaning of the word was to sacrifice.
Offerings of sacrificed animals, grain or other foods, were made to the gods to ensure protection during the cold winter months ahead.
The people were given strength by the gods to endure the cold winter months by way of their offerings. These ritual offerings also strengthened the people’s connection with their gods.
You could say that the Norse people did this ritual to align their personal will to survive and thrive to the divine will of their gods who guided and strengthened them.
In this same way, your ETHERIC TEMPLATE guides and strengthens your personal will to be strong and alive in your body, by guiding the 1st level of your Aura, your ETHERIC BODY, which strengthens your physical body.
Today is a good day for prayer. What do you want to ask your higher power for help with? What gratitude can you make an offering of to your higher power?
If you have a practice of making offerings to your ancestors or different gods or goddesses, you may also wish to commune with them this way today and ask for their support to have a fruitful 2025 that takes you into deeper alignment with your blueprint for this life.
How is connecting with your ETHERIC TEMPLATE helpful?
When you can connect with this level of soul nourishment, there is a powerful feeling of purpose.
When this level is strong, you feel connected with all around you because you are in your place with your purpose and synchronized with all.
When there are distortions on this level, you have no sense of connection. Life may not make sense, like someone is laying a trip on you. You may rebel against orderliness.
How can you connect with your ETHERIC TEMPLATE?
Prayer is how we humans communicate with the divine.
Prayer is a 2 way conversation. You express yourself, and then you listen. Listening is receiving guidance. It can take many years of practice asking for guidance before you figure out how the divine or your guides communicate back to you in a way you “get”!
Many people just go straight to their psychic to ask those big questions! “Who am I? What is for me? What is not for me? Am I going in the right direction?”
Here’s the catch…once you get the guidance, then you have to surrender to divine will and follow it! That is the hard part!
Surrender to divine will is the key practice to align and charge this level of your being.
In Barbara Brennan’s book Light Emerging, chapter 16 is a very juicy chapter which helps you to explore your relationship to authority and divine authority.
She also shares the story of her many decades long journey of learning to receive guidance from her guide and to surrender and follow it.
If you have worked with me in the 1:1 Pain to Purpose journey, you have a copy of Light Emerging from our work together.
In the Soul Nourished Woman journey in 2025, I am taking 10-12 women on a journey to absorb the contents of this book and embody it so you can apply it to your own well-being and soul unfoldment.
We will meet for an in-person retreat day, the 4th Sunday of each month to immerse in the 10 Levels of Soul Nourishment: one level each month.
We go into ETHERIC TEMPLATE in October.
Here is what we are going to do together:
The INTRO WEEKEND for all (women) to attend and taste the journey is Saturday night January 25 & Sunday, January 26th. Save the date! Details and enrollment for the intro weekend will be up soon!
Saturday, January 25, 7-10pm: Sacred Fire outdoor gathering in Wakefield
Saturday, January 25, overnight: 5 spots for sleepover at la Grange Country Inn up the hill from the fire gathering.
Sunday, January 26, 9am-2pm: yoga, breakfast, immersion practices in the 10 Levels of Soul Nourishment with sharing circles and guided energy practice.
The 7th Level of Soul Nourishment is next!