I see you, reluctant priestess…
Weaving your magic at work as a smart and capable woman. You’ve got a big heart, strong intuition … and a quiet, but persistent desire to connect to spirit and soul.
You long for abundance, health and purpose in your life, but right now you are getting dragged down by stress, the nonstop demands of life, and the patterns & anxieties that circle around and around inside.
Maybe you feel constant pain in your back, neck, or other area of your body.
Maybe you can’t sleep, no matter how tired you are.
Your life feels like a non-stop to-do list.
Some days it feels like if you don’t do something NOW to excavate this stress from your system, you’ll spiral into a breakdown. Yet, somehow you keep going, driven by a survival anxiety which churns below the surface of your competence.

But lately, that spiritually curious whisper has been growing louder.
You’re craving more time and bandwidth to immerse yourself in spiritual and wellness practices, but when you try to “go inward” or sit still, the unprocessed energies and emotions take over, leaving you feeling like the walking dead or an anxious basket case.
You sense your soul connection, but you’re not sure how to tap into it and let it out, so that it can enrich and guide every aspect of your life, including the ways it might change how you show up at work, in your family or even for yourself.
You know you’d have so much more to offer if you could just be fully yourself, but it’s like she’s trapped beneath the weight of an invisible force you can’t dismantle. Everything feels like too much. Your gut is telling you there’s still a lot of baggage that hasn’t been touched in talk therapy.
It feels like you’ve tried just about everything to find relief.

You’ve consulted your doctor and/or a naturopath on the physical symptoms.
Worked with a psychotherapist or counselor and talked it out to death.
Tried various exercise and diet changes, with little to no results.
Started yoga and meditation practices.
Explored other modalities, bought books that tap into spirituality and maybe even worked with a Reiki healer.
But there’s something deeper running behind the scenes that is driving the chaos and anxiety — and no one has been able to access it, and clear it out once and for all.

Here’s the truth of the matter from one pragmatic spiritualist to another…
Things like exercise and diet are foundational to wellness.
Your Naturopath can help you get your biochemistry more balanced.
Therapy can absolutely help you sort through a lot of things.
I believe in all of the above.
But when you’re experiencing cycles of pain, stress, and anxiety that become patterns and won’t go away no matter what you try, it’s time to go deeper. It’s time to do the soul-level work that takes in the whole picture of who you are on all levels.
Sometimes the energies we try to wrangle are just too big to get a handle on, contain, and transform by yourself. Let’s face it, if you could DIY healing work, you’d be feeling better by now.
You need an experienced guide to help you learn how to heal and understand the story of your life, so the big picture of your Life Purpose can become clear and you can move toward it.

As a professionally trained energy healer and certified Brennan Healing Science Practitioner with a specialization in trauma work, I’m here to help you unpack that pain and guide it outward.
I’m known for my expertise in reading and tracking the energy field from a place of deep attunement, offering my clients the gift of being seen at soul level, and assisting them to map out their Life Purpose and gifts. I’ve helped many people get to the real source of their pain, whether physical or emotional, through a powerful combination of healing approaches:
Over the past 3 decades, I …

Trained in 5 powerful healing modalities and have 27 years of experience working in over 5,000 treatment sessions.

Spent 4 years at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing learning to perceive and work with the human energy field in multiple dimensions.

Studied the cutting-edge form of trauma resolution work developed by Dr. Peter Levine–Somatic Experiencing.

Facilitated Family Constellations work which resolves inherited family trauma and brings penetrating insight into the orders and disorders of our relationships.

Practiced Craniosacral Therapy, an elegant form of bodywork to unwind stress and tension held in the body tissues and nervous system which teaches you how to dialogue with what is being held in your body to get guidance and deeper resolution of pain.
I see you. Like, really see you .

Like you, I’m a hard-working, professional entrepreneur and career woman. I know what it’s like to juggle work with doing your own inner work, especially while being more attuned and sensitive to overstimulation than other ‘thicker skinned’ humans.
And like you, I’ve also learned to put up a front of competence (and we are so very competent...we are overachievers because we care so much!), to shield my softer feminine spirit.
I understand what it’s like to feel as though you have to “hide” your spiritual side. I make acknowledging the deeper dimensions of your being, and the experiences you have there, feel normal and even practical.
You will say, “You are going to think this is weird…”
And I will say “You mean that thing right there in your energy field you are talking about?”

If you are ready to go deeper than talking to work directly with what other practitioners have missed, I’m ready to take you on that deeper journey of healing. I invite you to join me inside…

Transform Pain to Purpose
A 1:1 healing experience
Working 1:1 with me in the Transform Pain to Purpose package you will:

FEEL better physically, emotionally, and mentally

Learn how to attune to and heal your emotional blocks, old wounds and unaddressed trauma by sinking into your body and energy field.

Uncover and release internal self-sabotaging patterns and family loyalties that you didn’t know were running your behavior and choices.

Make friends with your feelings by reclaiming repressed emotions, and taming overflowing ones.

Reveal and release the transgenerational trauma blocks on both your mom’s and dad’s side of your lineage.
Every single session brings deep insight and breakthroughs, a healing release or reset.

Before I dive into all the details, let’s talk about who this is really for.
The Transform Pain to Purpose journey will be a good fit for you if:

You’re tired of the repeating patterns in your life, health, and relationships and you are ready for breakthroughs.

You’ve done talk therapy and you know you need to get deeper.

You don’t want to do talk therapy, period. Instead, you want to engage with your blocks directly and learn how to be your own healer. You want to move faster than talking about it.

You are working with practitioners who are supporting your physical health, but things are still stuck. You sense the need to attend to the emotional blocks at the root of the symptom to get a full resolution.

You tend to hide your spiritual, 'witchy' side from your work colleagues, your therapists, or even your family because you think they will judge you or just not 'get it'.
If any of the above sounds like you, you’re in exactly the right place.

What's included in:
Transform Pain to Purpose
Together, we sink in for 3-9 months to take in your entire life journey so far and tend to each of the wounding moments that still need care, healing, and resolution.
We can work together in person or online with equal effectiveness.

Months 1-3
Get out of crisis.
Find relief and release.
This stage is dedicated to helping ease the pain and teaching you the foundational elements of healing yourself, beginning with learning how to “drop in” to yourself, identify blocks, and release them.
By the end of our first 3 months together, you will:

Dissolve the most urgent layers of unaddressed trauma which underlie your anxiety, depression, relationship strife, emotional blockage or overflow, and physical symptoms.

Reveal and release the loudest unhealed trauma charges in your family lineage on both your maternal and paternal side.

Learn how to 'get good' with your emotions.

Uncover & heal buried beliefs and agreements that negatively shape your life and relationships.

Heal the stuck energy of trauma in your body.

Learn how to heal transgenerational traumas that weigh on you.
Months 1-3 includes:

6 x 90-minute personal healing sessions booked every 2 weeks.

Access to my monthly Family Constellations healing group where you can do even bigger pieces of work with the supportive group energy. (value $237 CAD)

A copy of the book Light Emerging by Barbara Brennan so you can learn the map of your true nature as we work together. (value $35 CAD + shipping)

A printable journal for you to track your insights and breakthroughs session to session which includes my notes on your sessions.
1 payment of $2222 CAD
3 payments of $777 CAD
(Total $2333 CAD)

Months 4-6
Go deeper. Excavate your light from your darkness.
You’re in love with the process you learned in our first 3 months and are excited by your results. You want to learn more, transform more, shed more layers and claim even more physical and emotional wellness.
You also want to optimize the investment you made in your first 3 months of work by owning the skills and processes you have learned.

Months 4-6 includes:

6 x 90-minute personal healing sessions booked every 2 weeks.

Access to my monthly Family Constellations healing group where you can expand your healing progress with the support of the group energy. (value $237 CAD)

A copy of the book "It Didn’t Start with You" by Mark Wolynn, so you can learn more about intergenerational trauma. (value $30 CAD + shipping)

A printable journal for you to track your insights and breakthroughs session to session which includes my notes on your sessions.
1 payment of $1950 CAD
3 payments of $650 CAD

Months 7-9
Decode your Life Purpose.
What the hell was the purpose of all of that pain and struggle??
You want to make sense of your life’s journey, including the role the pain plays.
Through our first 6 months of healing work, I learned your whole story and began to translate your pain into your story of purpose and learning in this life. Now we translate the journey of suffering into meaning and your mission.
Over our final 3 months of working together:

Take the full journey from healing your deepest wounds, to clarity around what you are here to do and be in this world.

Our hands-on healing work moves to a specialized energy healing which directly aligns you with your Life Purpose.

I will help you discern the 12 archetypal energies you carry which shape and define your Life Purpose down to the nitty-gritty daily details.

You will finish with a map you can refer back to for the rest of your life as you walk forward with clarity, pride & conviction.

Be truly seen for who you are and why you are here.
Months 6-9 includes:

6 personal healing sessions of 1.5 hours each, spaced every 2 weeks.

My course Decode Your Life Purpose. This course includes video training to learn to align your energy field with your life purpose (Hara work), reading and worksheets to guide you through the process of mapping out your Life Purpose through your 12 Soul Guides (archetypes). (Value $555)

A copy of the book Sacred Contracts by Caroline Myss.
1 payment of $2222 CAD
3 payments of $777 CAD
(Total $2333 CAD)

Months 10-12
Live into your Life Purpose.
Let’s keep this positive energy flowing! Once you make the 9 month journey from Pain to Purpose, you have the option to continue getting support and healing work with me for your ongoing journey.
We’ll check in monthly and continue to clear out and transform anything that threatens to block or sideline you along your path.

The full 9 month journey will guide you from your pain, through transformative healing, into understanding and having a map for your Life Purpose which will continue to be a reference point for the rest of your life.

This is not for you if:

You lean more toward talking everything out. I will interrupt you a LOT during our work to invite you to drop into your body. We want to make space for that story in order to get deeper.

You want to avoid feeling your own emotions. It’s ok if it’s hard or new, or you feel blocked, I’m here to help, but allowing feelings to flow is THE fastest way to transform blocks being held within. I have shares in Kleenex and I’m not afraid of anger. This also won’t be a big drama.

You are hoping I can wave my magic healer's wand and “fix” you or “take the block out of you”. My focus is on helping you to feel and make contact with the blocks you hold in your body, emotions, and energy field and family energy field and learn how to do the work to transform them. You learn essential life skills and you get to be the hero…not me. I will still do hands-on energy healing work with you to support this process.

I don’t do UFO’s, conspiracy theories, or work with folks who aren’t comfortable getting a medical diagnosis to work with, or sharing with me what diagnoses they may have been given by medical, psychological or psychiatric professionals.

I am not a medical intuitive or psychic. I am very good at reading your energy field for current emotional, mental, relationship and spiritual movement, personal and family history and some ‘past-life’ layers.

The path we walk together...
Working together is an organic process. Each person I work with is unique and has a unique history. Here is the ground we will cover in your first 3 months of work:

Session 1
Learning the basics of dropping into your body to encounter blocks and work with them.
Receiving your first treatment on the massage table (clothed) to receive healing energies and let your body unwind stress and tension.

Session 3
Building your 3 generation family history genogram. Together we track the unresolved traumas in your family system.
Stepping into your first family constellations process to clear blocks at the family energy level. We usually start with mom and mom’s side of the family.

Session 5
Now we follow the flow. Do we need to do more clearing work in your constellation? Do we need to spend more time dropping into your body to clear out stress and past traumas?
Deeper repair work in your aura, such as chakra work, relational cord work or deeper bodywork dialoguing with areas of the body where pain, illness or stress are being held.

Session 2
Repeat the process of dropping into your body to encounter blocks and transform them. You are building a skill and the more we practice, the easier it gets and the more you move and clear.
More relaxing time on the table for balancing, clearing and repair work in your energy field.

Session 4
Time Travel Empathy: travel back to an earlier age in your life where something hard happened that has not been tended to, and bring the caring accompaniment that transforms the wound.
More family constellations work to address dad’s side of the family.

Session 6
Clarify your Core Wound. Untangle unconscious contracts that hold your deepest self-sabotaging patterns in place.
Celebrate the ground covered, the layers that you have shed and the learning.
Decide if you are ready to step into Phase 2.