I’ve spent the past 24 years helping women from all walks of life find relief from physical and emotional pain rooted in childhood and ancestral trauma. The origin of the pain is always different, but it stems from the same place: what is stored deep inside. Together, we’ll dive within to access and release what talk therapy couldn’t.
If you’re ready to receive gentle guidance, validation, and the space you need to move from stress and pain to purpose and soul nourishment, I have created 3 pathways to help guide you on your journey from pain to purpose:

1:1 Healing
Are you ready to BREAKTHROUGH instead of continually BREAKING DOWN?
It’s time to clear out what talk therapy couldn’t. During our 1:1 virtual or in-person sessions, you will literally feel personal trauma, stress, and feelings of overwhelm flush out of your body and energy field. You’ll also move closer to understanding your life purpose.

Group Healing
Family Constellations
This monthly group of 10-15 fellow seekers is the most cost-effective way to work with me and get help for the stress & strain you carry.
Our focus in group is the intergenerational trauma which is the hidden source of your biggest personal and relationship blocks. Together, we’ll resolve core issues at their root.

The Soul Nourished Woman
Membership: personal + group healing journey for women.
Come home to your inner sanctuary and a community of women who ‘get’ you.
A by-invitation-only women's circle for those I have worked with in 1:1 healing. We gather to share the journey of healing + purpose and immerse in soul nourishing energy healing practices.
I will guide you into your body where you can touch the presence of your own energy fields, work to clear and brighten them, and grow a disciplined and soul nourishing spiritual practice for yourself.

That all sounds amazing!
Not sure where to start or what you need?
Book a free 30 minute consultation
Let's connect!
We will meet on Zoom video conference for 30 minutes.
You can share where you need help.
I'll share if I feel I'm the person to help you and what working together looks like.
If we are not a fit, I'll do my best to give you great referrals so you can take the best healing journey possible.