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the Healing & Purpose Blog

the 2nd Level of Soul Nourishment: Core Star.

Out of the seething cauldron of potentiality that is the VOID, arises your personal spark of the Divine within--your Core Star. 

Here you are on the front cover of Barbara's book Light Emerging. Aren't you gorgeous? The artist has tried to depict your inner soul light shining out through all 7 levels of your Aura.

I am a graduate of the 4 year training at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.

If you have struggled to digest this below...I am going to guide you through it experientially in the Soul Nourished Woman journey.

What is your CORE STAR?

  • It is the light of your soul, or god/goddess self. Your personal spark of the one divine consciousness. Divine essence.

  • This is your creative life force which emerges when you desire to commune, create, and experience your individuated, unique self.

  • It is the light that emerges from the Void as you begin to take form.

  • When you have an impulse to create, connect, expand or grow, this is the upwelling of your Core Star energy. It wells up and begins to percolate down through your Hara (article tomorrow!) and the energetic dimensions 'below' it. 

  • Your Core Star has a life pulse: expansion, stasis, contraction, stasis. It is like your breath or a heartbeat, expanding out to create and condensing back into more essence.

  • HEALING: no healing is needed here. You are whole. Where you are well and happy in your life is where your Core Star shines through. Where you are ill or struggle is where it is blocked.

  • I am trained to drop into this energy body/state and presence it for you during healing treatments. I've been doing it myself lately as a daily practice to centre in my own light.

How is connecting with your CORE STAR helpful?

  • It helps you to connect to your creative impulse.

  • It brings more health and radiance through your whole energy field.

  • You feel peaceful and serene.

  • It is a pure and simple spiritual practice. The Oneness is within your Core Star and you are within the Oneness.

How can you connect with your CORE STAR?

In the Soul Nourished Woman journey, I am taking 10-12 women on a DEEP NOURISH journey.

We will meet for an in-person retreat day, the 4th Sunday of each month to immerse in the 10 Levels of Soul Nourishment: one level each month.

We will spend one month going into Core Star.

I can also help you to connect with your Core Star in 1:1 healing.

This is truly the purpose of life. To bring your light out from under the darkness of your wounds.


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