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the Healing & Purpose Blog

The Primordial Mother

Soul-filled women,

The profound presence of the Great Mother came to grace the healing room today. Once again, an aspect of Her body I have never experienced came to guide a client.

Who or what is the Primordial Mother? My experience of her was as the oldest creational energy there is on our Earth.

Think of our planet in its ancient raw form, at the time when life is just emerging from the sea. She is birthing primal life forms from the elements, and from Her waters.

She moved in the energy bodies like a primal muck, yet not as earthy and material as that, more fluid, rich. A very, very old consciousness. Perhaps the oldest Earth consciousness.

As she rose through my clients body, I saw a level of the field I have not witnessed before. I could not place it within the 7 Levels of the Aura we are currently studying in the Aura Healing Journey, though it could be one of the worlds that lies within the complex layers of reality in the Astral Body/4th Level, which is the Level we are studying this week.

I entered with the client through the lovely space where the front and back tip of the heart chakra meet and pour into the Vertical Power Current.

As we allowed ourselves to reside in that space, Her presence arose. I saw a network through the body like tree roots-very organic and not at all like the linear lines of light on the structured levels of your Aura (Levels 1, 3, 5, 7) that Barbara Brennan discovered and wrote about in her books.

I once witnessed Barbara do a healing, with other teachers assisting, during our second year of training, where we learn to work on the 4th Level of the field. (This was in 1997).

The treatment was unexpected, and something Barbara shared she had never witnessed before. She saw the client’s field morph back through all evolutionary life forms from mammal, to bird, to reptile, to the first life forms to emerge from the ocean. It was extremely powerful.

This is how I felt the Primordial Mother, as that creational energy from which all forms were originally born. 

I wish I could put my hands on you right now and have you feel and experience this in your body. She was calm, peaceful, depth, presence, effortless embodiment.

Often as we work to process our wounds, we are present in the Female Pain Body. Eckart Tolle writes about it in the New Earth. It is the collective field of all harm that has been done to women on this planet throughout history, and all emotional pain women carry from it.

This transmission was a voice within the Female Wisdom Body: the deep knowledge of connection, known in and through our body. 

We need her. At this moment when it is now clear that we have a very limited time to turn around our ecological impact on this primeval earth, we need to remember---no, deeply know and feel--our symbiotic relationship with our Primordial Mother, and the muck our biological bodies arose from so many millennia ago.

We are connected to all life, from the water droplet, to the amoeba, to the insects, the reptiles, the birds, the mammals, the plants, the atmosphere breathing us. As more and more of us return to living that as an embodied truth, we will come back into the necessary symbiotic relationship with our Earth that will guide our choices and actions from a deep cellular and energetic level.


If now is your time to work together book your Free 30 minute consult so we can talk about working together and see if the openings I have fit into your weekly schedule.

Have you experienced this aspect of the Mother? I'd love to hear about it. Share your thoughts with me here:

Would you love to explore your own relationship with the divine feminine in a women's circle? Join us inside the Soul Nourished Woman.


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