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The Aura Healing Journey
with Shelley Harrison

An 8-Month Group Experience for soul-curious individuals who are ready to identify and clear their blocks, live their truth in all areas of life, and finally get the full story of what is happening in their energy bodies.

You can't stop being absorbed in the mental realm.

Those maps aren’t going to take you to your dream destination--which is living every part of your life in full health...and your soul shining out to accomplish your Life Purpose.
In the Aura Healing Journey I will walk you through each level of your Aura so you can:

Identify your own blocks

Work with your energy to transform those blocks.

Plan ways to get your needs met on each level (self-care central!).​

Celebrate where your light is already shining through on each level and know your beauty!

And NO, you do not have to be a clairvoyant or a psychic to tune into your own Auric field. I will teach you how to discover how YOU tune in, and how to trust what you are sensing.

7 Levels in your Aura

Physical health

Emotions toward yourself (Self-Esteem/Self-Love)

Mental Thoughts

Relationship Exchanges

Guidance/Surrender to Higher Will

Bliss/Experience of Expansion and Radiance

Wisdom/Meaning of Life

What's inside?

You’ll unlock Aura Healing training videos, resources, worksheets, and Recorded Energy Practices in your private online Member Area.


READINGS, to illuminate each level of your Aura


WORKSHEETS with very specific exercises to help you discern how you are doing on each level, and ways to transform your blocks.


RECORDED ENERGY PRACTICES, which guide you to tune into each level, and do your own energy healing and discovery work.


MONTHLY LIVE CALLS WITH ME, where you’ll get validation of what you are feeling and sensing. Share the journey in the community, learn from the other participants experiences, and amplify your experience with group energy work, guided by me.






INTIMATE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY, for those who like to share and learn this way. I will answer questions posted there, and you can share with one another to stay inspired.

Image by Zoe Schaeffer
Choose the experience that works best for you:

Aura Healing Journey

8 Months of Group Healing Sessions, plus access to my online Course

Aura Healing Journey

+ Healing Package Upgrade

includes seven, 1.5 hour one-on-one sessions with me (one session for each Level of your Aura).
(Only 6 spots available)

The Aura Healing Journey Is a LIVE Virtual Experience

Ever wish you had a spiritual guide to help you put everything you’ve read into action and know you’re doing it right? Well, get ready, because I’m comin’ over to your virtual couch (and I’m bringing homemade chocolate eclairs!).


The Aura Healing Journey is designed to be a fully immersive experience so that you don’t just absorb the material, but live it.

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