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the Healing & Purpose Blog

How I Read the "Contents" of your Energy Field.

Shelley is doing energy work

You may have heard that working with your energy field, or aura, through hands-on energy healing is the way to deeper healing than conventional therapy.

How does going into your energy field help you go deeper, and get straight to the 'heart of the matter' or the origin point of the struggles you suffer with?

When was the first time you became aware of energy healing or your chakras?

Was it an illustration of a chakra or an aura depicted in vibrant colors? Was it an artist's rendition of what energy might look like to those with clairvoyant abilities?

What these illustrations often fail to convey is the "content" of your energy field and energy blocks.


What do I mean by “content”?

"Content" is what is written in the 'book' of your energy field. It is like the story printed in that book, layed out chapter by chapter according to your life experiences.

This 'energy content' is not just static; it carries your thoughts, feelings, memories, images, and intentions. 'Content' is what can't be conveyed in an illustration of your energy field.

Every 'chapter' of 'content' in the 'biography' that is your energy field tells a story of how it got there, how you feel about yourself, what you have experienced, a vibrational imprint or resonance, and more.

Through 27 years of practice, I have honed the skill of reading this 'content' through all 7 levels of your Aura.

Here's an example of how it is helpful for doing deeper healing work than you may have done before:

When we are working in our 1:1 sessions, as you talk to me about the difficulties you are struggling with right now, your energy field 'content' shifts to express what you are sharing.

I guide you to drop into your body and track sensations as you share, so you can feel that shift yourself.

Often, as you do this, you energy field will regress to a younger age that is the origin of a pattern or belief replaying in your life that is the root of your current struggle. I can detect this shift and identify the precise age of the trauma by attuning to your energy field.

I may say to you, "You feel like you are about 5 years old right now. What happened when you were 5?"

Now we can work with that older, younger part of you that is frozen in the pain of that moment to heal and discharge energy blockages and emotions...the real, older root of what you struggle with today.

This leads us to understand why simple questions like "Are my chakras open?" may not provide useful insights. Whether the answer is affirmative or negative, it offers little beyond a momentary emotional reaction.

What do you do with the answer, “Yes it is.” 

Feel good about yourself.

What do you do with the answer, “No it is not.” 

Feel bad about yourself and get worried.

In order to truly discharge an energy block held in a chakra or elsewhere in your energy field or body, you need to deal with the content held within it.

Here are some examples of the types of 'content' that we might 'read' in a 'chapter' of your 'energy book' that is held somewhere in your field and body:

  • Archetypes which are living energy patterns with distinct stories and missions and "costumes" just like an actor in a play. Reading these in your field helps me to help you get clear on your Life Purpose.

  • Age regressions and memories from those ages. This is where we meet your "inner child" and see how they are doing and where they need help to heal wounds.

  • Past life memories and imprints including astral objects which can be embedded in your field.

  • Emotions, thoughts, and beliefs.

  • Relational cords which show how you exchange energy with others.

  • Fight, flight, or freeze responses.

Once you understand the concept of 'content' you find yourself in the real work of healing and transforming your blocks.

It's not longer a matter of just "taking out the block" and getting rid of it.

It's a matter of 'bringing to light' and tending to the memories, emotions or experiences being held in the block. Attending to this is what sparks the transformation of the block.

In the Aura Healing Journey course I teach, I guide students to tune into each distinct layer of their aura.

Students quickly realize that perceiving energy involves more than just being able to "see" energy. As they learn to connect with their own energy, they experience sensations, memories, and emotions—all forms of engaging with different energy 'content'.

This also happens when we work together in 1:1 healing sessions.

I guide you to drop into your body and pay attention to sensations. This is how you feel the shift of your energy as you talk about the hard stuff. We slow down so emotions, memories, or other sensations can bubble up out of your 'contents' pot to discharge and clear from your field.

My role as an instructor and healer is to validate your perceptions as you attune to your body, emotions and energy, helping you to trust your instincts and set aside doubts.

Ultimately, the story of your life, past and present, is written in the colors and dimensions of your energy field.

When you’re caught in the throes of pain and repetitive patterns, it may seem like a grim narrative.

As we work together through energy block transformation, you’ll discover the beautiful soul story that underlies it all, emerging in the areas of your life where you feel most vibrant and fulfilled.

The more blocks we clear by unpacking their 'contents', the more I can help you clear the way to rewrite your story so it has a happy ending.

If you're ready to transform your story and your blocks, let's begin this journey together. You can begin with a deep dive into 1:1 sessions here.

Or you can test the waters in my monthly Family Constellations group healing work here where I will help you look at the 'contents' being held in your family energy field that impact your own experiences.




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